
Why “THERE” always looks better.

One of our “spiritual gifts” of being human is that THERE always looks better than HERE. Consciously we know that as soon as we get to THERE, it becomes the new HERE. And the cycle starts all over again, with a new THERE looking so much…
Evan Money

How To Reprocess Guilt into Greatness

If you're the kind of person that wants to reprocess Shame into Success, Guilt into Greatness or Anger into Forgiveness, then this blog is for you. It's all about reprocessing, why take years when you can do it in minutes? It all comes down…
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What Men Really Want.

Most of the time, men don't even know how to articulate what they really want. We say and do all kinds of things, but according to bestselling author David Deida: "at the core of the male is our desire for Freedom." This is why a Home Run in…
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What I learned from Redeeming Love the movie.

My bride and I were so blessed to get a invite to the Hollywood premiere of Redeeming Love, yet I didn't want to go. As a father with a teenage daughter, the subject matter is very challenging for me. However my bride just finished the book,…

What I Learned in Dubai.

We just got back from Wedding # 28 in Dubai! At the top of Burj Khalifa, the world tallest building. It's was TREMENDOUS in so may ways, but some will surprise you. No sales tax was a bonus and made shopping that much easier lol! However…

The 2 Most Important Things Your Life is Missing.

Hint, it's not baby goats but they are super adorable right? The 2 most important things that your life is missing are: #1. Emotional Prehab This is not a typo, too many people have a Rehab mindset instead of a Prehab mindset.  The…

When Leadership Is Missing.

It's not Tom Brady's skill that has left a void in New England, it's his leadership.  For the past 20 years, the New England Patriots have dominated all of pro sports. It didn't matter who got hurt, what coaches left or what level of talent…
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What is Bitcoin? And why it affects your Health, Relationships and Finances.

What is Bitcoin? It's not a real coin that you can put in your safe or hand someone for payment. The short and sweet answer is,  it's a digital currency, very similar to airline miles.  Back in 1987 airline miles were invented and rapidly…

The Truth About You as a Entrepreneur.

Have you ever heard this: "It's a RISK to bet on yourself and start a new business venture." IT'S A LIE!!!!  THE  TRUTH IS: The SAFEST thing in the world is to bet on yourself! Here is why, because GOD preloaded you with greatness.…
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Do You Need a Breakthrough?

  Do you need a breakthrough?   Once upon a time, my bride and I’s 10th wedding was rapidly approaching. We both agreed this would be our biggest and most extravagant wedding yet. The budget was bursting at the seems after paying…