Want to trade busyness for BLISS?
Want to trade your busyness for BLISS?
It's easier than you think, just follow these 2 simple steps:
Step #1. Slow down to Catch up with God.
This is an iconic quote from the documentary Godspeed and it's so true. If you really want…

What Men Really Want.
Most of the time, men don't even know how to articulate what they really want. We say and do all kinds of things, but according to bestselling author David Deida: "at the core of the male is our desire for Freedom." This is why a Home Run in…

As promised from part 1 of this blog, I’m going to share the secrets of connecting on deeper levels with your spouse and kids in a fraction of the time it normally takes.
Let’s face it, as a married entrepreneur you have a lot…

The Brighter Side of Marriage for Entrepreneurs.
My bride and I had a blast with Monica Tanner On The Brighter Side of Marriage podcast. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
We discuss some juicy details on marriage & entrepreneurship, ENJOY! CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Success in your Business without Sacrificing your Marriage Part1.
Yes! It is possible to have a thriving marriage and a thriving business, as well as, being healthy, strong and enjoying your children if you have them. This is what my bride I call
"a Marriage of Greatness. "
Many entrepreneurs are already…

Life Lesson from why the Dallas Cowboys are trading Dak Prescott for Deshaun Watson.
You heard it here first, Jerry Jones the GM and owner of the Dallas Cowboys is trading Dak Prescott for Deshaun Watson. Why? Better yet, what is the life lesson for you?
First off let's complement Jerry Jones and you for your self -awareness.…

We Are All Going Through Something.
As a coach to growth minded, high level entrepreneurs, I find it very interesting that no matter the level of success, wealth or impact, everyone is going through something. The biggest LIE we tell ourselves is
"As soon this thing is handled,…

Portrait of a introverted extrovert.
As a international speaker & seminar leader many would assume I'm a natural extrovert. Not true! It took me a while to figure this out, that's for sure.
Recently I was asked some questions about this from a reporter, Thomas C. Thomas…

Why doesn’t the feeling last?
You know what I'm talking about, the "new car feeling" lasts for a while but then, it becomes just another car.
The new house is awesome, but sooner or later the feeling fades, the new job or business is the same.
Some even…

Be careful when praying for your marriage.
"When you seek God concerning your relationship with your spouse, you may be surprised to find that God points out what you really need to do... not what they need to change."
I found this quote in an old folder and WOW is it accurate.