Where have you always dreamed of going with your spouse once the timing is better?

Once the kids are older, once you have more money, once the house is done, once the house is sold, once the kids are in college, once they are out of college, once we get back to normal, once you find a better excuse.

For my bride and I, we always dreamed of getting remarried in Australia, and I had the crazy idea of doing it on the top of the Sydney bridge. Just recently we were invited to speak at an amazing event in Sydney! Want to know what my first reaction was?

Believe it or not, it was not positive, I felt the time wasn’t right, our teens had too many activities going, I had lot going on in my other businesses, the plane ride was going to be too long, on and on I went in my mind until…. 

I mentally slapped myself and said, wait a minute, I have been dreaming of this moment for at least 10 years and now it’s here, what is the challenge?

The simple truth is, I had envisioned it happening when everything was perfectly aligned in my life with business and the kids etc.

Reality check, life is never perfectly aligned!

It never happens, it just an excuse to keep you in your comfort zone I.E. a rut.

Once I came to my senses I booked the trip! And we had the most glorious time!

Now it’s your turn. TAKE ACTION today and take that trip you have been putting off, you will never be younger than you are TODAY! 

I realize with the COVID 19 in full swing international travel may be a challenge, with that said my family is booking a trip to Disneyworld. We may not be able to go to Africa, but be can see the savanna with Zebras and Giraffes at the Disney Wild Kingdom. Where in your country can you go?  Remember the possibilities are greater than the impossibilities.